June 21, 2008

A Simple Plan - 1998

This movie is SO GOOD.

I forgot how much I love A Simple Plan. It's almost perfect. My biggest beef with it is that it takes place here in Minnesota, yet all the actors have Southern accents. That aside, I think this film is probably one of my top 10 favorites of all time.

A Simple Plan is, on first glance, a seemingly simple story about how two brothers, Hank (played by Bill Paxton) and Jacob (played by Billy Bob Thornton) and a friend find a plane crashed in the woods. Inside the plane is a duffel bag crammed with $4 million. The three men try and figure out what do do with the money without getting caught. The characters struggle with their own internal ethics on what is the "right" thing to do, and ultimately they decide to keep the money. That is, unless someone comes looking for it.

Trouble starts when Lou (played by Brent Briscoe) decides he wants his share of the loot right away. Hank tells him he cannot have it as it's stash "about an hour's drive" from their town. Lou doesn't want to accept this at all because he's an unemployed drunk that owes people a lot of money and he wants his money ASAP. From there it snowballs into all three men not trusting each other. The three of them have to constantly keep the story straight as to not bring themselves to the attention of the authorities.

Bridget Fonda plays Sarah, Hank's wife. She spends time crafting elaborate lies and other ways Hank can deceive Lou and Jacob. At first we don't think she really wants Hank to keep the money, since she believes it would be "stealing". But as the film progresses we notice that she wants the whole sum of cash for herself and Hank. I think she plays a major role in what drives Hank to do what he does.

One thing I really love about this film is that it was shot in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Because of that fact, many critics say it resembles Fargo too much. I couldn't disagree more. American Movie was shot in WI, but is it anything like Fargo or A Simple Plan? Hell, no! Just because A Simple Plan and Fargo take place against a snowy Midwestern backdrop doesn't mean that they are anything alike. But with that said, this is probably one of my favorite shots in the entire film:

A Simple Plan is really an excellent film, and probably one of the best Bill Paxton has made. It amazes me his performance as Hank Mitchell was ignored by the Academy Awards in 1999. Instead, Billy Bob Thornton was nominated for Best Supporting Actor (but lost to Michael Caine). Sure, he does a great job as Jacob, but seriously, Bill Paxton was shafted. Who won the Oscar for Best Actor in 1999? Kevin Spacey for American Beauty. Ok....that was another excellent film, so I guess I'll let it slide......this time.

I don't feel I can say any more about the plot without giving the whole story away. If you have not seen this film, I don't know what you're waiting for. It's got so many twists and turns that the viewer has to keep guessing what will happen next. It's really one of those thrillers that you can watch again and again and notice something you hadn't the first time around.

Go buy A Simple Plan. It's super cheap on Amazon for only $8.49! It's one every film lover should have in their collection. Not to mention a film every Bill Paxton lover should own as well.

**Fun Facts**
Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton were both in Tombstone
Bill Paxton and Sam Raimi were both in Indian Summer

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