July 28, 2008

One False Move - 1991

We're back!

I watched One False Move last night before bed. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't awesome, either. Kind of a mediocre film that had me wondering if it was a Made-For-TV movie at one point*. It would be a great Made-For-TV movie if there was less swearing and violence and blood and use of the "N" word. Amazingly, according to the IMDB this was Gene Siskel's favorite film of 1992. But I digress.

One False Move stars our hero, Bill Paxton as a back-woods sheriff called Dale "Hurricane" Dixon. Why "Hurricane", you ask? No one knows, not even Dale. Officer Dixon has been on the scene, fightin' crime and breakin' up hillbilly fights in Star City, Arkansas for the past 6 years. When he gets word that some big time murder suspects are heading to his town, he gets as excited as a kid on Christmas.

The bad guys are Ray (played by Billy Bob Thornton), Pluto (played by Michael Beach (who?)), and Fantasia/Lila (played by Cynda Williams). The three of them kill a bunch of people, steal $15K and an assload of cocaine, and head for Houston. On the way, they ditch their car, kill some more people, and make seriously poor decisions for a bunch of people who expect to get away with a crime.

For some reason, Fantasia/Lila decides she needs to go to Star City to see her family. Well, Dale gets word of this and also word that two big time Los Angeles detectives are also on their way to his small town. He's so excited to be working with Important Cops that he neglects his family for a bit, but hey, it's all about catching the bad guys, right?

Once Dale gets word that Lila is in town, instead of alerting the L.A. cops, he stakes out the abandoned house she decides to stay in until Ray and Pluto arrive. This ends up being a key scene in the film, so I won't spoil it. But trust me, you see it coming a mile away. At least I did.

In the morning, Ray and Pluto show up, there's a shoot-out, some people live, some people die, and that's it. The end of the movie. Pretty anti-climactic, if you ask me. I was like "Wha??" when the end credits started rolling. Seriously.

I recommend One False Move only if you're a Bill Paxton fan. The film is pretty boring, has a lame ending, and you see the "twist" coming a mile away. I guess if you like to see Billy Bob Thornton sporting a mullet you should watch this, too. But other than that, I'd leave it off your Netflix list.

No leather pants in this one, but Bill Paxton is shirtless for a split second. That's almost as good.

*it was supposed to go direct to video, according to IMDB. I knew it!

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